Customer Evaluator

Customer Evaluator

Customer Evaluator, until now, had been arduous work, the kind that gave Bankers and number crunchers eyestrain from scanning spreadsheets. But, it’s time to put the reading glasses up, Our AI accurately assesses each potential borrower through a granular approach to lending and individualized scoring. So, Customer Evaluator is for anyone who lends money or extends a line of credit who wants a zero code scoring system.  Enhanced Credit Evaluation: With Big AI, the era of traditional scorecard analysis, which solely relied on historical financial data, is transformed. Big AI utilizes advanced AI algorithms to scrutinize a borrower’s present financial situation, taking into account factors such as current income, employment opportunities, credit history, and earning potential. This comprehensive evaluation enables lenders

Benfits of Customer Evaluator

Enhanced Credit Evaluation

With Big AI, the era of traditional scorecard analysis, which solely relied on historical financial data, is transformed. Big AI utilizes advanced AI algorithms to scrutinize a borrower’s present financial situation, taking into account factors such as current income, employment opportunities, credit history, and earning potential.

Turilytix Insights


Be rid of anomalies in your data. Best of all, our AI algorithm requires no code. 

Don't Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Any Questions

We help businesses through insights using machine learning, artificial intelligence, automated analysis, visual intelligence, and simple easily read graphs.