Credit Risk Scoring
Credit Risk Scoring had been arduous work, the kind that gave Bankers and number crunchers eyestrain from scanning spreadsheets. But, it’s time to put the reading glasses up, our AI accurately assesses each potential borrower through a granular approach to lending and individualized scoring. So, Credit Risk Scoring is for anyone who lends money or extends a line of credit who wants a zero-code scoring system.
This method scrutinized aspects of a Borrower’s financial portfolio such as payment history, debt load, length of credit history, kinds of credit used, and current credit queries. Using this outdated strategy, potential borrowers were denied credit without much thought about the borrower’s present financial situation or other circumstances. Big-AI takes the pain and guesswork out of lending through AI. AI makes use of more data to provide an individual credit score. The score is based on factors such as current income, employment opportunities, credit history, and earning potential. Keeping with ease of use, our homespun AI, Big AI does the grunt work, so you don’t have to.
- AI makes use of more data
- Accounts for earning potential
- Dives deeply into credit history
- It’s a no code platform
- Intuitive UI design
Credit Scoring mitigates the risk of lending through AI. Our AI generates a credit score based on employment opportunities, credit history, and earning potential.
Turilytix Insights
- Filters out high-risk borrowers
- Identifies low-risk borrowers
- Crunches a more robust data set
For further reference, visit our channel and refer the video named What is Credit Risk Scoring | or click the link