Do you know How AI helps your daily life

Nowadays every one of us probably heard and searched the term “artificial intelligence” multiple times and thought you had nothing to do with it but that’s not the case.

In recent years, artificial intelligence has woven itself into our daily lives in ways we may not be aware of it. It has become so pervasive that many remain unaware of its impact and reliance on it.

AI assists in every area of lives, whether we are trying to read our emails, get driving directions, or get music or movie recommendations.

How Artificial Intelligence Improves social media?

Artificial intelligence makes it easier for users to locate and communicate with friends and business associates. AI provides recommendations for fighting inappropriate or racist content and enhancing the user experience. AI helps in social media for target advertising, fighting cyberbullying, and deleting offensive comments

Many individuals check their social media accounts daily as routine, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others. Not only AI is working behind the scenes to customize what you see on your feeds, but it’s also figuring out friend recommendations, and recognizing as well as filtering out fake news.

How AI helps Music and Media Streaming Services?

The music and media streaming services that we use on a daily basis are other wonderful examples of AI. AI is making decisions for you whether you are using Spotify, Netflix, or YouTube. These platforms create recommendations according to your tastes.

How AI plays a role in Chatbots?

Chatbots recognize words and phrases in order to deliver helpful content to customers who have common questions as if you are talking to a real person.

How Artificial Intelligence Helps You Every Day Through Digital Assistants?
Digital Assistants

Apple’s Siri, Google Now, Amazon’s Alexa, and Microsoft’s Cortana are digital assistants that help users perform various tasks, from checking their schedules and searching for something on the web, to sending commands to another app.

How does Artificial Intelligence help in Web Searches?

The majority of us can’t go a day without looking for an answer or a product on search engines like Google, Yandex, or Bing. Without artificial intelligence, search engines would be unable to scan the whole internet and offer what you want. Those ads that appear to track your every move are enabled by AI, based on your search history, and personalized to you with the goal of presenting you with items that the algorithms believe you will value.

How AI helps in Navigation Apps?

Everyone needs Artificial intelligence even on their daily journey to and from work. Navigation applications such as Google Maps use AI to evaluate the speed of movement of traffic. It also analyses user-reported events, such as traffic accidents or road construction, to estimate how long it will take you to get to your location and recommend the quickest route.

How AI is included in our daily life?
How AI Improves Your Experience at Online Stores and Services?
Product Recommendations

Amazon and other online retailers use AI to gather information about your preferences and buying habits. Then, they personalize your shopping experience by suggesting new products tailored to your habits.

How AI Improves Email Communications?
Smart Replies in Gmail

Smart replies offer users a way to respond to emails with simple phrases like “Yes, I’m working on it.” or “No I have not. ” with the click of a button.

Email Filters in Gmail

Google uses AI to ensure that nearly all of the email landing in your inbox is authentic. Their filters attempt to sort emails into different tabbed categories such as primary, spam, promotions etc, and send the spam mail to a separate folder.

Commercial Airline Flights

You might be surprised to discover how little flying your friendly pilot actually does in the cockpit. A 2015 survey of airline Boeing 777 pilots reported spending only 7 minutes manually flying the plane during a typical flight, with much of the rest being done by AI technology.

Artificial Intelligence makes our lives more efficient every day and services that help us do everyday things such as connecting with friends, using an email program, or using a ride-share service.

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How AI is included in our daily life ?

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